Our mission is to inspire the next generation of scientists, health professionals, and engineers.
Michigan Science Olympiad is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization that is responsible to oversee the program and the 14 separate Regions of our state. We depend heavily on the support of volunteers and sponsors. We can’t say thank you enough to those who help and contribute, and make this a great experience for thousands of students.
Students have the opportunity to explore topics that often they would not experience in their normal school day. For some activities, the experience is very “hands-on”, as students create designs, solve problems and learn the importance of teamwork. Most Science Olympiad activities culminate in a tournament, which adds the excitement of competition.
In each of the Middle and High School divisions, there are 23 separate events in which a student may participate. A tournament is like a track meet, so an individual student should expect to compete in several different events. Those events range from anatomy to astrophysics to aeronautics.
We are affiliated with the national Science Olympiad program.
To learn more, visit www.soinc.org.