Invitational Tournaments

Practice Tournaments (aka “Invitationals”) are organized across Michigan, typically under the leadership of an individual team.  Teams which attend these tournaments may be expected to contribute by being responsible for running an individual competitive event (e.g. Anatomy) or support another team who is in that role.  Attending teams should expect to pay a registration fee.

All Michigan invitational tournaments in Divisions B and C must be registered with the National Science Olympiad organization.  If you are interested in hosting an invitational tournament, please contact the State Director to receive further information.

All teams which compete at these tournaments must be registered with Michigan Science Olympiad, and have paid their annual registration fee, including Alternate teams (if more than 15 students from your school will compete, you have an Alternate team).  This registration is important to ensure that all students who participate are covered by the liability insurance which Science Olympiad provides.  These registration requirements are actively monitored, and Michigan Science Olympiad reserves the right to take disciplinary action against teams which violate this policy.

2023 - 2024 Michigan Invitationals

Click below to expand Division B or Division C.